Why Is It Only Possible To Induce An Extrasystole During Relaxation

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Why is it only possible to induce an extrasystole during relaxation? The extrasystole can not occur until relaxation and so we could not achieve wave summation. Extrasystole is an extra ventricular systole that happens during the begging of relaxation (repolarization). Since the cardiac is able to depolarize only after repolarization, any.
Extrasystole is only possible during relaxation because no new stimulation can take place during the absolute refractory. Why is it only possible to induce an extrasystole during relaxation? Only until the resting membrane potential is again established in cardiac muscle cells, and is maintained until the. Why is it only possible to induce an extrasystole during relaxation? The cardiac muscle is only able to depolarize after it repolarizes because of the long refractory period, so. Why is it only possible to induce an extrasystole during relaxation. Extrasystole is only possible during relaxation because no new stimulation can take place during the absolute refractory period. Due to this wave summation tetanus can't be achieved and the. Why is it only possible to induce an extrasystole during relaxation.
Why is it only possible to induce an extrasystole during relaxation

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