How To Change The Fun Value In Undertale
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Undertale fun value chart this is a topic that many people are looking for. khurak. net is a channel providing useful information about learning, life, digital marketing and online. There isn't any way to see your fun value unless you hack. If you get certain events, you should know what range you're in. Hope you enjoyed this video i will do more undertake videos if you guys want me to
At the beginning of the game, a random number between 1 and 100 is selected. This is called the fun value. Depending on this number, certain. Ini and change the fun value to the same you changed in file0 otherwise it wont work. The f in fun should be not capitalized and should remain so. Fun values chart :. The fun value is a random number in undertale, selected on reset, between 1 and 100. This mechanic determines the occurrence of several rare events in the game; Many of these events.